2021 Webinar | From Milkweed to Meadowlarks: How Private Land Stewards can Lead the Way in Biodiversity Conservation

This webinar was held on Wednesday, December 1, 2021. Led by VWL’s Program Manager, Charlotte Lorick, the presentation included an overview of relevant Virginia Working Landscape research findings, highlighted best management practices to support wildlife and biodiversity, and discussed how we can think of our backyards and managed spaces as habitats and ecosystems, no matter the size.
A number of resources were mentioned in the presentation and the links can be found in the chat section of the recording. If you have any questions, reach out to Charlotte at lorickc@si.edu.
Resources Shared in the Presentation
2. https://www.nwf.org/nativeplantfinder/
7. https://nationalzoo.si.edu/migratory-birds/live-bird-friendly
8. https://www.3billionbirds.org/7-simple-actions
9. Birdsmartglass.org
10. www.vaworkinglandscapes.org/education/resources
[…] Conservation land management webinar: https://www.vaworkinglandscapes.org/workshop-summaries/2021-webinar-from-milkweed-to-meadowlarks-how… […]